Shenanigans Hobby and Game Center in Taylor, Michigan specializes in table top games, role playing games (RPG), miniatures, models, war games, board games, toys, and so much more. We carry Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, Pathfinder, Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Warmachine, Hordes, Privateer Press, Fantasy Flight Games, Rio Grande Games, Avalon Hill Games, Vallejo Paints, Flames of War, Battlefront Miniatures, and more.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Settlers of Catan
Today, Friday the 25th of November we will be playing Settlers of Catan. Build your small settlements up into cities, build expansive roadways, and gather the largest military to conquer the land and become the dominate civilization for the land. This game is largely combat free, work on gathering and trading resources to build your nation.
Remember that the game and all of its expansions are 10% off today only! Try it out and if you like it pick up a copy on a discount!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Board Game Night - Shadows over Camelot
Can King Arthur and his knights of the round table stop Morgan le Fey and Mordred from taking over Camelot? This is a cooperative game where the players work to stop evil from overrunning the lands of Camelot.
Remember, the game and all of its expansions will be on sale that day only, 10% off, 25% off for club card owners! Stop in and join in on a game, see if it is for you, and if you like it take it home with you!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Bloodbowl Playoffs!
I'm looking forward to see who joins the two of us in the final four. I'm pretty sure we will have a super-dangerous Skaven team in the #3 spot. I predict that the playoffs will go unpredictably. Considering how the dice rolls have gone so far this season, anything can happen.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veterans Day Celebration!
1. Each player may bring up to 2 companies of 2000 points each. If you only have one, bring it! The scenario will match each side company for company.
2. Each company's combat platoons must rated as tank teams.
3. A platoon must have at least half of the teams rated as tank teams.
4. Each player may bring only one infantry platoon per company and as many gun teams as are legally allowed in each company.
5. All artillery platoons may use the Across the Volga special rules located on page 225 of the main rulebook.
6. No air power! Air power will be covered by scenario rules.
We will have some extra companies available, so come on in and have fun!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Deathwatch campaign
The final battle took place in the bowels of a refinery in the middle of a city in full revolt. There the confronted a Broodlord some genestealers. The battle was very tense for the players, since they were very low on wounds due to genstealers being monsters in close combat. Fortunately, a well placed blow from a force sword, a servo arm, and a hail of bolter bullets in rapid succession smashed the Broodlord into bloody chunks.
Next month, we'll start the next adventure, where the the Kill-Team has to save an entire world from a full-fledged Tyranid invasion.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Necrons unleashed!
Yes, Monoliths did lose the invulnerability granted by living metal, but they got a few new abilities that someone with a sharp eye could use to devastating effect.
There's a host of new units, including several new vehicles hosting some cool guns. There are even, believe or not, dedicated assault units. Units that don't suck totally in close combat even.
I am looking forward to seeing how this army will play on the table.