Friday, March 30, 2012

Automobile and Killer Bunnies tonight!

I won't be at the store tonight thanks to an opportunity to see a Red Wings game, but the games must go on!

In Automobile go back to the birth of the auto industry in this game, building up your factories, hiring sales men, and advertising to sell the most cars and make the most money in the 4 turns before the game is over!

If you don't feel like selling cars, play a cute little bunny who slaughters all of the rest of the bunnies around him in the search for the magic carrot! Gather as many carrots as you can, as you won't know which one is the magic carrot until the end of the game!

Remember that there is a tournament for Warhammer 40k tomorrow with a $10 entry fee and a $100 store credit first prize! Sign in is at 11:30, games start at 12:30.

1 comment:

  1. oriented cultivation can only be based on adequate material basis. There is no tool to measure such a subtle kind of variables, it is hidden in the body, table row, in the brain, hidden in the heart. Can feeling to is see not to, can experience to is touch not to, it can deep can shallow, all of changes are in a read Zhijian, corruption read with moderate has makes people active up, accomplishment wide, and heart expansive, and on people on thing generous love; corruption read if wanton derivative, accomplishment on will is pandora charms of beast by occupy, covet too more obtained to too strong, necessarily are to than lost of less many, then psychological of balance will will imbalances, hentai of complained about and hate occupy heart of Highland, hostile of vision began scan various makes he failed of target, Terrible injury to quietly.
